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£55 initial, £45 follow up

45 mins then 30 min follow up


At The Clinic, we understand the pain and discomfort that comes with an injury. That’s why we offer Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy acoustic waves to target injuries and promote healing. During your consultation, we’ll provide you with all the information you need on this advanced therapy method and how it can benefit you along with your programme to help manage the injury and prevent it from happening in future

Here at The Clinic, we are proud to offer you one of the most advanced machines in the field with all treatments provided based on the latest research and more importantly prices that will be extremely difficult to beat.

Common areas that may affect you are:

  • Achilles tendon - pain around back of heel up to bottom of calf

  • plantar fasciitis - pain around the bottom of heel into foot.

  • patellar tendinopathy - pain around the knee cap

  • rotator cuff tendinopathy & leasions - Pain deep in shoulder

  • Golfs & golfers elbow - pain around elbow joint

Signs and symptoms you may experience around these areas can be; pin point pain around the area, pain worse after initial movement after period of rest, movement eases the pain but returns after rest.

Don't hesitate, book your appointment today and take the first step towards a speedy recovery.

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